Society for American Military Engineers

The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) builds leaders and leads collaboration among government and industry to develop multidisciplined solutions to national security infrastructure challenges.


Graphic Design
Video Editing

Non Profit Association

The Brief

VisioneerIT transformed the SAME Small Business Conference attendee experience, elevating the event from its conventional roots into a visually stunning and immersive journey VisioneerIT's approach was holistic; they overhauled the event's visual identity, from intricate stage designs to immersive digital backdrops, and even the minutiae of entryway graphics and brochures. Each element was meticulously crafted to reflect both the prestige of the engineering profession and the forward-thinking spirit of the Society for American Military Engineers.  

VisioneerIT's use of augmented reality (AR) elements in their design further distinguished the event. Attendees could use their smartphones to unlock additional content and interactive experiences, seamlessly blending the physical and digital realms. The impact of VisioneerIT's work was profound. Attendees reported a significantly more engaging and memorable experience compared to previous years. The fusion of art and technology fostered a sense of wonder and inspiration, aligning perfectly with the innovative spirit of the engineering community.

VisioneerIT's contribution did not just enhance the aesthetic dimension of the event; it transformed the SAE gathering into a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the potential of combining art with engineering. This case study not only highlights VisioneerIT's exceptional talent in graphic design but also underscores the transformative power of visual storytelling in professional events.

Society for American Military Engineers
Society for American Military EngineersSociety for American Military Engineers
Society for American Military Engineers

The Challenge

The SAME DC post wanted to create a unique experience for the 15th Annual Small business conference and grappled with previous design elements.

Their challenge was to revitalize the event's aesthetic appeal, making it resonate with their audience while staying true to the professional and innovative spirit of the engineering community.

The Strategy

VisioneerIT employed a multifaceted strategy to make the event memorable.

They infused cutting-edge visual design with interactive digital murals and augmented reality (AR) features to engage attendees. Their approach was to blend the essence of the DC Capital turnaround venue with artistic innovation, creating a visually captivating environment.

This included reimagining the event's usual graphics, from dynamic stage designs to immersive digital experiences, ensuring every touchpoint resonated with the audience's professional interests and stimulated a sense of wonder.

Society for American Military Engineers

The Results

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Increased Conversions

The Results

Optimized Processes
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Automated Workflows

The Results

Facebook Followers Increase
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Social Media Growth